請留意,由2021年8月31日(「生效日」)起,本行《賬戶持有人條款》(下稱“條款”)將作出修訂/新增, 詳細要點如下:
章節A 一般情況
12.5 如閣下對本公司有任何現有、未來、實際或者或有的(不論是否可量化的)債務,本公司可扣留不論是否作為安全保管或其他方式,不論存放於任何地方或以其他形式由本公司為閣下或以閣下名義(單獨或聯名)持有的任何物業,及不論以公開拍賣、私人協約或招標或本公司合理釐定的任何其他方式,以由本公司決定的價格及條款,將其或其部分出售。本公司可運用淨收益減輕閣下的債務。
If you have any present, future, actual or contingent liability (whether or not quantified) to us, we may retain any property wherever deposited with or otherwise held by us for or in your name (alone or jointly with others) whether for safe custody or otherwise, and sell them or any part thereof at such price and on such terms as we determine whether by public auction, private treaty, tender or any other method reasonably determined by us. We may apply the net proceeds to reduce your liability.
14.1 本公司可更改提供給閣下的服務、運作形式、每日截數或截止交易時間、指示的最低及最高金額、或每日的最高限額、或終止或取消任何服務,而不作通知及沒有法律責任。本公司可更改本公司的營業時間或提供服務的時間。服務的提供受本公司所決定的條款規限。
We may vary the services available to you, the manner of operations, the daily cut-off times, the minimum or maximum amount of an instruction, or a maximum limit per day, or suspend or withdraw any service, without notice or liability. We may change our business hours or the hours during which a service is available. Services are provided subject to the conditions determined by us.
14.4 如果本公司的名稱、營業地址、在證券及期貨事務監察委員會的註冊地位或中央編號有任何重大更改,或如有根據適用法律及規例規定的任何其他更改,本公司均應通知閣下。閣下同意就閣下所提供資料的任何重大更改通知本公司。尤其是如果閣下的地址、電話號碼、傳真號碼或電郵地址有任何更改,閣下應在切實可行的範圍內盡快通知本公司。
We shall notify you of any material change to our name, business address, registration status with the Securities and Futures Commission or CE number, or other changes as required under applicable laws and regulations. You agree to notify us of any material change to the information provided by you. In particular, you shall notify us as soon as practicable of any change to your address, telephone number, facsimile number or e-mail address.
章節E 網上銀行服務/手機銀行服務
30 閣下同意本公司可在發送至閣下流動電話號碼的訊息內展示任何交易或閣下賬戶的詳情。
You agree that we may displace details of any transaction or your accounts in a message sent to your mobile phone number.
章節A 一般情況
12.5 如閣下對本公司有任何現有、未來、實際或者或有的 (不論是否可量化的) 債務,本公司可扣留不論是否作為安全保管或其他方式,不論存放於任何地方或以其他形式由本公司為閣下或以閣下名義(單獨或聯名)持有的任何財產,及不論以公開拍賣、私人協約或招標或本公司合理釐定的任何其他方式,以由本公司決定的價格及條款,將其或其部分出售。本公司可運用淨收益減輕閣下的債務。
If you have any present, future, actual or contingent liability (whether or not quantified) to us, we may retain any property wherever deposited with or otherwise held by us for or in your name (alone or jointly with others) whether for safe custody or otherwise, and sell them or any part thereof at such price and on such terms as we determine whether by public auction, private treaty, tender or any other method reasonably determined by us. We may apply the net proceeds to reduce your liability.
14.1 本公司可更改提供給閣下的服務、運作形式、每日截數或截止交易時間、指示的最低及最高金額、或每日的最高限額、或暫緩或取消任何服務,而不作通知及沒有法律責任。本公司可更改本公司的營業時間或提供服務的時間。服務的提供受本公司所決定的條款規限。
We may vary the services available to you, the manner of operations, the daily cut-off times, the minimum or maximum amount of an instruction, or a maximum limit per day, or suspend or withdraw any service, without notice or liability. We may change our business hours or the hours during which a service is available. Services are provided subject to the conditions determined by us.
14.4 如果本公司的名稱、營業地址、在證券及期貨事務監察委員會的註冊地位或中央編號有任何重大更改,或如有根據適用法律及規例規定的任何其他更改,本公司均應通知閣下。閣下同意就閣下所提供資料的任何重大更改通知本公司。尤其是如果閣下的地址、電話號碼、傳真號碼、流動電話號碼或電郵地址有任何更改,閣下應在切實可行的範圍內盡快通知本公司。
We shall notify you of any material change to our name, business address, registration status with the Securities and Futures Commission or CE number, or other changes as required under applicable laws and regulations. You agree to notify us of any material change to the information provided by you. In particular, you shall notify us as soon as practicable of any change to your address, telephone number, facsimile number, mobile phone number or e-mail address.
章節E 網上銀行服務/手機銀行服務
30 閣下同意本公司可將任何交易或賬戶細節發送至閣下與本公司註冊的流動電話號碼或電郵地 址。
You agree that we may display details of any transaction or your accounts in messages sent to your registered mobile phone number or e-mail address.
章節A 一般情況
9.4 閣下將免費收到電子結單。閣下亦可透過聯繫本公司並填妥本公司不時指定的申請表格選擇收取紙質結單。收到閣下指示後,本公司將在切實可行的範圍內盡快處理該指示並在兩個月內使之生效。若選擇紙質結單,本公司將按本公司不時公佈的收費率收取費用。
You will receive e-statements free. You may elect to receive paper statements instead at any time by returning a duly completed form prescribed by us from time to time. Your instruction will be processed as soon as reasonably practicable and become effective within 2 months. Provision of paper statements is subject to fee and charges published by us from time to time.
章節E 網上銀行服務/手機銀行服務
31. 閣下明白閣下可於以下指明的時間內通過本公司的網上銀行網站或手機銀行應用程式取覽、查閱及下載交易文件。閣下應將交易文件以電子形式儲存或列印為書面方式保存以供未來參考:
(a) 賬戶日結單、成交單據及收據:三個月;及
(b) 賬戶月結單:兩年。
You understand that trade documents will be available for access, review and downloading via our Internet Banking website or Mobile Banking apps for a limited period as specified below and you should save the trade documents electronically or print a hard copy for future reference:
(a) Daily statements of account, contract notes and receipts: three months; and
(b) Monthly statements of account: two years.
Should there be any inconsistency, ambiguity or discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of the General Terms and Conditions for Account Holders, the English version shall prevail.
登入網站後先選擇「個人銀行」> 「常用下載」> 「產品資訊」>「條款細則」
如閣下有任何疑問,請致電本行客服熱線(國內)95568 / (香港)852-25195568查詢。